We are diligently working on building our coaching staff, securing a venue, and selecting players who will be representing Southwest Warriors. We are a Christian-based organization so we want to take the time to build solid community relationships. Our goal is to create family and youth entertainment here in Southwest Atlanta area that is both affordable and fun. We believe a professional basketball team will be a great asset to the entire Southwest Atlanta area. Our team will give our youth and families another positive outlet and boost the local economy. We are reaching out to our community businesses for sponsorships and donations. No amount is too great or small. All funds go toward coaches, player salaries, travel expenses, venues, insurance, day to day operations, uniforms, and great upcoming community events. For those young and upcoming basketball superstars, we also sponsor the Southwest Atlanta Christian Academy Developmental Basketball Camp. Please visit them at sacawarriors@yahoo.com. Again, any amount of support is welcomed and greatly appreciated. Please visit our face book and twitter pages (facebook.com/southwestwarriors.vpweb.com and twitter.com/southwest warriors), and also learn more about the ABA at abalive.com. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at (678) 404-0166 Thank you for your time and consideration. Mission Statement To branch out into the community, homes, businesses, schools, and churches to spread good will, blessings, peace, love, and encouragement to everyone we touch with our heads held high and a great sense of pride. Vision To bring fast paced, high quality, professional basketball with lots of love, fun, joy, and excitement to all our fans, family, friends, and county. Motto The divine good of the Lord's divine love was here also as a flame of fire. The Lord's blessings are upon you.