by Matt Potak | Feb 13, 2017 | Community, Press Releases
It is only so often that we get contestants that make the half court shot. Until today, never have contestants made the shot at the Jacksonville Memorial Arena and let alone two contestants in a row! Our first winner is Kevin from Seabreeze Elementary, in the green...
by EAROL AGUILAR | Mar 14, 2016 | Community, Information, Latest News
JACKSONVILLE GIANTS SUMMER CAMP INFO At the Cuba Hunter Recreational Center (off Emerson Road) 4380 Bedford RoadRegistration: Call 904-355-6531 or email You can download the registration form here. A LITTLE ABOUT YOUR GIANTS...
by EAROL AGUILAR | Oct 5, 2015 | Community
The Jacksonville Giants are devoted to establishing community relationships as well as promoting students to achieve academic success. The Giants have established a program that partners with the Duval County school district to encourage students to meet their reading...
by EAROL AGUILAR | Oct 4, 2015 | Community
[rev_slider community] Giants in the CommunityLooking for a unique fundraising opportunity? Giants in the Community is a ticket fundraiser program that provides local organizations the opportunity to sell game tickets and keep half the proceeds! These are club seats...
by EAROL AGUILAR | Oct 3, 2015 | Community
[rev_slider bash] Reserve Your Mr. Biggs Birthday Bash Today! Package Includes •Meet the players before game time. •Designated Party area visit from Mr. Biggs •Birthday Girl/Boy will have the opportunity to “high-five” the players as they take the court. •Name...